an ORDINARY CHRISTIAN WOMAN aka Cecilia T. Whitacre
(Acts 4:13, 19:11)

-Listening to yourself
-Being listened to
-Listening to your life
-Listening with another
-Listening for God in all
​It's really that simple.
In our world today, the simple act of stopping and setting aside some time to really listen to yourself, listen for God and how He is present in your life -is one of the healthiest things you can do in your spiritual journey.
When we don't take time to stop, to listen to ourselves or to be heard by another -we tend to just keep running and going at a pace and trajectory that does not correlate with our own goals, and the truth we profess to believe in about our God. To be able to follow the very ways and path Jesus has taught us and that He modeled through His life in the Scriptures, comes from times of quiet and listening.
Spiritual Direction is a unique spiritual practice that has been followed in some form by the church since its inception. It can be very helpful on an ongoing basis as a regular practice. Often people meet monthly as part of their spiritual health and soul care for their entire lives.
During certain seasons of life, some find it helpful to meet more often than once a month.
A usual appointment lasts around 60 minutes. We spend time checking in, take a moment of quiet listening together, followed by sharing and reflective questions-all led by the Holy Spirit's prompting- to help you look and listen a little deeper.
Cultivating the Inner Life
"Spiritual direction is an essential resource for developing a closer relationship with God. It encompasses the art of companionship and deep listening, cherishing life stories, and witnessing how the Divine manifests in our lives."
“A spiritual life doesn’t necessarily lead to tranquility, to peace, or to a beautiful feeling about ourselves or about how nice it is to be together with others. The chipping-away process can hurt. It might mean being lonely in a place where you never wanted to go. It might lead you to a vocation you never sought. It might ask you to do uncomfortable things. Or it might ask you to obediently and routinely do comfortable things that are not very dramatic when you prefer adventure. The spiritual truth is that God is at work in each of us and in our communities and families. Often, the companionship of trusted friends allows us to see how God is at work.
We can’t always see God’s activity by ourselves.”
― Henri J. M. Nouwen, Spiritual Direction
Historical tradition of Spiritual Direction...
"Within Western Christianity, spiritual direction has its roots in Early Christianity. The gospels describe Jesus serving as a mentor to his disciples. Additionally, Acts of the Apostles Chapter 9 describes Ananias helping Paul of Tarsus to grow in his newfound experience of Christianity. Likewise, several of the Pauline epistles describe Paul mentoring both Timothy and Titus among others. Tradition tells us that John the Evangelist tutored Polycarp, the 2nd-century bishop of Smyrna.
Theologian John Cassian who lived in the 4th century provided some of the earliest recorded guidelines on the Christian practice of spiritual direction. He introduced mentoring in the monasteries. Each novice was put under the care of an older monk. Benedict of Nursia integrated Cassian's guidelines into what is now known as the Rule of Saint Benedict.
Spiritual direction is widespread in the Catholic religion: a person with wisdom and spiritual discernment, usually but not exclusively a priest or consecrated in general, provides counsel to a person who wishes to make a journey of faith and discovery of God's will in his life. The spiritual guide aims to discern, understand what the Holy Spirit, through the situations of life, spiritual insights fruit of prayer, reading and meditation on the Bible, tells the person accompanied. The spiritual father or spiritual director may provide advice, give indications of life and prayer, resolving doubts in matters of faith and morals without replacing the choices and decisions to the person accompanying."
(from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiritual_direction)
“Our soul is like an inner stream of water, which gives strength, direction and harmony to every other element of our life. When that stream is as it should be, we are constantly refreshed and exuberant in all we do, because our soul itself is then profoundly rooted in the vastness of God and His Kingdom…” — Dallas Willard, -Renovation of the Heart
“The purpose of journeying together in spiritual friendship and spiritual community
(whether there are just two of you or whether you are in a small group)
is to listen to one another's desire for God,
to nurture that desire in each other
and to support one another
in seeking a way of life that is consistent with that desire. ”
― Ruth Haley Barton, Sacred Rhythms: Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation
To schedule a session click here.
Your first appointment is complimentary so that you can see what its all about, and if this would be a good fit for you. Thereafter a fee is greatly appreciated.
If you are unable to come in person, Sessions are also available through the online platform Zoom.
The Value of Spiritual Direction in the Formation Journey
by Debbie Swindoll
Spiritual direction is a once-a-month meeting with a trained listener who will accompany you on your spiritual journey, helping you to notice God’s presence and activity, as well as how you are reacting and responding. Hospitable, confidential, and grounded in biblical truth, spiritual direction is a ministry that helps you grow in prayer and live into your calling as a follower of Christ.
...let me share with you four benefits of spiritual direction that I have personally experienced and consistently witness in my direction ministry.
1. Spiritual direction grows our spiritual attentiveness.
2. Spiritual direction grows our awareness of how we get in our own way.
3. Spiritual direction grows our discernment.
4. Spiritual direction identifies and gives room for the most important questions in our lives.
I encourage you to consider engaging in spiritual direction. May God lead you in your decision.
read more here.