an ORDINARY CHRISTIAN WOMAN aka Cecilia T. Whitacre
(Acts 4:13, 19:11)
I describe Spiritual Direction as a sacred space where one witnesses and walks alongside another on their spiritual journey, as they share about their life with God. I believe in offering a safe place where one can honestly reflect and ponder their life - in which I believe God is present and active - so that one can be enabled to live more fully into that for which they were created.
I hope to offer Spiritual Direction as a place of deep listening that is non-judgmental and compassionate, where you can explore and deepen your life in Christ (Col 3:3).
This is a holy time set apart for you where we prayerfully ponder together any spiritual questions, challenges, noticing & discoveries, sorrow or joys - all while we listen for the the still small voice of God (1 Ki 19:12).
I hope to companion you while bringing along some knowledge of the spiritual life from a Scriptural and Christian worldview.
Guiding Principles for Spiritual Companions...
“Listening is the highest form of hospitality - not to change people
but to offer them space where change can take place.”
— Henri Nouwen
A spiritual director is one who helps another to recognize and to follow the inspirations of grace in his life,
in order to arrive at the end to which God is leading him.
—Thomas Merton
In her book Seeking God Together, Alice Fryling writes;
“Spiritual direction is a way of companioning people as they seek to look closely,
through the eyes of their hearts, at the guidance and transforming work of God in their lives.”
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles,
so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God."
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
What happens in Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual Direction is often called the practice of Holy Listening.
It is an ancient ministry of the church inspired by Jesus and modeled by Him and how attentive and present to others He was, with great care and compassion . He often did this by asking questions (which he of course already knew the answer to) to help people discover, deepen, notice and get in touch with the often unseen Kingdom of God happening right in their midst.
He (Jesus) asked them,
"What are you discussing together
as you walk along?”
“Are you the only one visiting Jerusalem
who does not know the things that have happened there in these days?”
“What things?” he asked.
Luke 24:17, 19
Spiritual Direction is the practice of one helping another awaken to and notice the presence, voice and movement of God in their life and spirit. And to encourage the discovery of a growing relationship thru Christ of freedom, contentment, love and purpose.
The Sessions have a flexible format:
An Opening Prayer
Check-in - How are you coming today?
Sharing what is on your heart
Brief times of silence for quieting & listening
Reflective questions by director and responses and reflections from you
Closing Prayer & Summary thoughts
How often does one receive Spiritual Direction?
Mature Christ followers engage in spiritual direction on a regular basis their entire lives. Most receive direction monthly, but some find it more helpful to come every 6 weeks or so. Like going regularly to the gym or to routine doctor check ups - it is the consistent attendance to our spiritual lives that keeps them healthy.
"The goal of spiritual direction is spiritual formation -
the ever increasing capacity to live a spiritual life from the heart." Henri Nouwen
"Why Work with a Spiritual Director?
Spiritual Direction helps me give caring attention to my relationship with
God, accompanied by the prayerful presence of someone who helps me listen well to God.
They offer deep holy listening which helps people find and follow their own spiritual path
They ask insightful, open-ended questions that help people connect with their authentic selves
They allow space for stillness and silence to help people become aware of what is deep within them
They build trust and openness by being authentic, kind and open themselves
They do not proselytize, nor seek to influence or convince, but instead walk alongside people as they make their individual and unique spiritual journeys
They honor the free will and discernment of each human being, especially in spiritual matters
They offer a mirror to those they companion so they may see themselves as whole beings if they so choose
They help the people they accompany create a stronger relationship with self and others and God
Spiritual direction is not counseling.
Spiritual direction is not therapy.
Spiritual direction is not financial advice."
- from; Spiritual Directors International Website
Sessions are usually an hour and our first brief meeting/conversation is complimentary, thereafter a fee is greatly appreciated.
To schedule an initial introductory meeting click here
Sessions are available in person in the Palatine & Wheaton, IL areas and via Zoom
I also have training in companioning retreatants through the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, if you are needing a Spiritual Director while doing the retreat exercises.
I am a member of ESDA and affirm the beliefs stated in the Doctrinal Statement found here and the tenets of their statement of faith.
I also adhere to SDI's published: Code of Ethics.
How Does Spiritual Direction differ from other helping roles?
Adapted from Jeannette Bakke’s Holy Invitations: Exploring Spiritual Direction (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2000. Pp. 28-29).
What is Spiritual Direction?
"The Christian life often entails times of spiritual uncertainty—situations in which we are unsure of God’s will, confused about what God is doing in our circumstances, or generally dry in our relationship with God. Spiritual direction is a safe place to explore your questions and concerns about your life with God."
- Grafted Life/ESDA
What Spiritual Direction can not do for you...(click here)
The Benefits of Spiritual Direction(click this link)
Quotes about Spiritual Direction
“The call of the spiritual director is to be a conduit of God who assists directees in recognizing the activity of God’s holy presence. The spiritual director must be mindful that the ultimate director is the Holy Spirit. The soul care of the director’s purpose and assignment is to draw the attention of the directee to God and away from the consuming cares and systems of the world. The goal is to lead the directee to greater intimacy with our holy, loving God.”
Soul Care - by Barbara Peacock
“Spiritual Directors are there to help others attend to God’s presence and revelation and prepare to respond to him. In other words, they help people attune themselves to God.”
— David Benner, Sacred Companions
"T h e P r o c e s s o f D i r e c t i o n
Spiritual direction is sometimes referred to as spiritual guidance, spiritual friendship or spiritual companionship. It is an ongoing relationship in which you (the directee) seek to be attentive to your spiritual life by meeting with another person (the director) on a regular basis (approximately once a month), specifically for the purpose of becoming more attuned to God’s Presence in all of life.
Thus the primary focus of each meeting time is your relationship with God as it is reflected and challenged by all aspects of your life. You, the directee, assume responsibility for your life with God. This means that you are trying to be serious about some form of intentional prayer and reflection on the God-currents of everyday life and prayer. During the meeting of about one hour, both you and the director seek to enter a prayerful atmosphere where together you can be attentive to the Holy Spirit who is in fact the Real Director."
- The Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation
"What does it mean to hold space for someone else? It means that we are willing to walk alongside another person in whatever journey they’re on without judging them, making them feel inadequate, trying to fix them, or trying to impact the outcome. When we hold space for other people, we open our hearts, offer unconditional support, and let go of judgement and control."
-Heather Plett
Spiritual Direction (or What is it you Do?)
Maureen M. Martin
Grounded in the presence of God’s abiding love,
We meet and talk about life and spirit,
God’s action and our response,
Finding God in ordinary living.
We breathe, We wonder, We are grateful, We pray.
In awe, I sit with another basking in the glow.
Working for God, I rest in compassion.
"The phrase 'spiritual direction' is a misnomer in a way, because it is not so much about being directed as it is about being open, receptive, aware of and responsive to the movement of the Spirit in the directee's life. It is understood that the Holy Spirit is the true Director, Advocate, or Counselor given to lead us into truth as we are able to bear it (John 15, 16). The director is present to assist the directee in paying attention to the invitations of the Holy Spirit and to support the directee in making a faithful response." - Ruth Haley Barton
There is a tradition of using the word "director", and this probably won't be changing soon, but truly God is the Director, and the Spiritual Director simply assists the seeker (the directee) who comes to uncover and discover the direction of God in their life. This enables the directee to see, claim, receive, own, and reverence God's voice, God's nudging, and God's acting, in such a way that it moves one into a genuine response of living from one's true self and all the plans God has for them.
"Spiritual direction is, in reality, nothing more than a way of leading us to see and obey the real Director
— the Holy Spirit hidden in the depths of our soul."
(Thomas Merton, Trappist monk)
Anil Singh-Molares, MTS
Spiritual direction is “help given by one Christian to another which enables that person to pay attention to God’s personal communication to him or her, to respond to this personally communicating God, to grow in intimacy with this God, and to live out the consequences of the relationship.”
-William A. Barry and William J. Connolly, The Practice of Spiritual Direction
"Spiritual direction - also called spiritual companionship - explores a deeper relationship with the spiritual aspect of being human.
Spiritual direction has emerged in many contexts using language specific to particular cultural and spiritual traditions. Describing spiritual direction requires putting words to a process of fostering a transcendent experience that lies beyond all names and yet the experience longs to be articulated and made concrete in everyday living. It is easier to describe what spiritual direction does than what spiritual direction is. Our role is not to define spiritual direction, but to describe the experience.
Spiritual direction helps us learn how to live in peace, with compassion, promoting justice, as humble servants of that which lies beyond all names."
-Liz Budd Ellmann, MDiv, former Executive Director, Spiritual Directors International
"Spiritual direction is the contemplative practice of helping another person or group to awaken to the mystery of God in all of life, and to respond to that discovery in a growing relationship of freedom and commitment."
-James Keegan, SJ, Roman Catholic
"Spiritual direction is for anyone yearning for God. Sometimes this desire appears as a sense of longing for something greater or a sense of discontent with the status quo. For others this pining is more focused, rising from a clear understanding that a sense of God’s presence is missing from particular parts of life.
Of course, an underlying assumption and basis for spiritual direction is that God — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — is actively drawing us into the Eternal Presence. God is the one, true “director,” working constantly, actively, powerfully in the very midst of our ordinary, everyday routines and life circumstances. A spiritual direction relationship is one way to help us pay attention to this Divine work. It interrupts our typical routine long enough to help us notice God’s wooing of us and become more deeply aware of God’s presence with us."
“To listen to another’s soul into a condition of disclosure and discovery may be the greatest service that any human being performs for another.”
— Douglas V. Steere
Interested in becoming a spiritual director? join me at Christos!

A space of listening and gentle guidance, developed just for your specific needs and goals.
Learning How To Quiet
Finding Clarity In Your Personal Calling & Purpose
Hearing The Voice of God With More Confidence
Reflective Listening and gaining Discernment Skills
Hope of Becoming More Like Christ
Accompaniment in Traditional Christian Spiritual Practices
Spiritual Companionship, Noticing Where God is in Your Everyday Life
Learning the Art of Being Fully Present
Clarifying Personal Beliefs and Values
Finding Priorities to Discern Time management
Deepening Connection in Intimate Relationship with God, Self and Others
Opportunities for Healing and Growth
Resources and Tools
A Safe Place to Bring Questions, Doubts and Fears
-Listen to yourself
-Be listened to
-Listen to your life
-Listen with another
-Listen for God in all
for more info, click here

“Being heard
is so close to being loved
that for the average person,
they are almost indistinguishable.”
― David Augsburger