an ORDINARY CHRISTIAN WOMAN aka Cecilia T. Whitacre
(Acts 4:13, 19:11)

"Call to me and I will answer you,
and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known."
Jeremiah 33:3 (ESV)
IMMANUEL PRAYER is a wonderful facilitated prayer experience of connecting personally and interactively with the Lord to deepen and strengthen your relationship with Him.
The hope is to build and deepen a securely attached relationship, one that increases your awareness of God's Presence
and where He helps you see yourself, your circumstances and others as He does.
"The primary objective – the most important goal –for the whole Immanuel Approach endeavor
is increased intimacy with Jesus." -Dr. Karl Lehman
“Healing prayer,” said Leanne Payne, “is not the ‘instant fix,’ nor the bypassing of slow and steady growth.
It is that which clears the path and makes such progress possible.”
What is Immanuel Prayer?
"IMMANUEL PRAYER is a process that is very useful to help people connect with the Lord in a prayer ministry session.
A summary of Immanuel Healing by Life Model Works
Connecting personally and interactively with the Lord can help remove barriers and hindrances to an intimate, interactive lifestyle of connection with Him.
And please remember Immanuel is a person, not a technique.
Immanuel is our God who is with us."
What is the hope of an Immanuel Prayer session?
"The goal is to build and deepen a securely attached relationship with the Lord, one that increases your capacity to stay connected to Him, even in difficult life situations or painful experiences.
Connection IS the purpose. "
(Definitions from Alive & Well Ministry & Dr Karl Lehman)
Healing doesn't come from going after trauma...
it comes from connecting with the Healer, Jesus.
Why receive Immanuel Prayer?
To deepen your relationship with the Lord.
Listen to this Podcast where Dr. Karl Lehman is interviewed and explains the Immanuel approach with a bit of the brain science and biblical truths behind how God brings healing and His peace in this way.
What Immanuel Prayer is not....
Guided Imagery
Theophostic Prayer
Therapy or Counseling
Prophetic or Deliverance
​Teaching or Advice Giving
Who would facilitate the Immanuel Prayer sessions?
Cecilia T. Whitacre has completed her facilitator training in Immanuel Prayer through Alive & Well Ministries, received advanced training through Dr. Karl Lehman's conferences, and has been facilitating sessions for several years.
Do I need a friend to accompany me for my Immanuel prayer session?
It is not necessary to have someone come with you, but it can be a gift to have someone pray & take notes alongside us as we meet, if that feels supportive to you.
How long do Immanuel Prayer sessions last & what to expect?
Usually about 60 minutes.
We begin by spending some time checking in, then take a moment of quiet together, open in prayer, followed by an invitation for God to bring to mind a time of connection or appreciation. Then we turn to the Holy Spirit's guidance... along with some reflective questions from the facilitator, we trust & follow the Lord's leading from there. You only share what you are comfortable sharing and the rest remains between you and the Lord.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls."
Mt 11:28-29
If you are struggling with quieting your mind or sensing and hearing the Lord,
Immanuel Prayer is a great way to come and relax, and be gently assisted by a trained facilitator.
If you aren't feeling ready for an Immanuel prayer experience, you might consider Spiritual Direction
Fee: Our initial meeting is brief & complimentary so that you can come and ask questions about the process and see what its all about, and discern if this would be a good fit for you. Thereafter a fee is greatly appreciated. A sliding fee scale is available to those in need.
(This is not therapy or counseling, I am not a licensed therapist- however I do work alongside many who are receiving counseling and it can be a great addition, as you tend to your spirit)
"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me."
John 10:27
Transformation happens when people get healed and learn missing skills.
For more information about Immanuel Prayer:
John Eldredge: Understanding isn't healing
Why Healing Prayer matters... Jesus wants to heal your heart.
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he restores my soul. (Psalm 23:1-3).
He heals the brokenhearted
and binds up their wounds. (Psalm 147:3)
Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed;
save me and I will be saved,
for you are the one I praise. (Jeremiah 17:14)
But for you who revere my name,
the sun of righteousness will rise
with healing in its wings. (Malachi 4:2)
He welcomed them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God,
and healed those who needed healing. (Luke 9:11)
'The human soul is a place of profound mysteries. God is a person of infinite creativity.
The beauty is that as you become more whole, you can become holier. And as you become holier, you can become more whole. Trying to choose one without the other I think has really brought people a great deal of distress, brought them to the conviction that no real change takes place in this life. It’s not true. It’s just that discipline is not enough.
As my wife Stasi was saying just the other day, “You can’t repent your way out of brokenness.” It simply doesn’t work. We repent our sins; the brokenness must be healed. Furthermore, this isn’t simply about the sweet love of Jesus. You have an enemy, strongholds are real, and you must break those agreements and banish the enemy.'
Do not be surprised or discouraged if you find that it takes more than one round of prayer. It didn’t take you a day to get into this mess. Sometimes you’ll have to pray again in a month, and then again in six months. Listen carefully: This doesn’t mean that “it didn’t work.” Quite often Christ comes back in our lives for a deeper work of healing. Even if you’re only eighteen, the sun has gone down a lot of times in your life; there’s a lot of past there. But if you’re fifty-eight, there’s a whole lot more past to your story. So be gracious, be patient; it doesn’t mean you’re blowing it if Christ brings it up again. It simply means it’s time for another round, and so you go back again through this exact process of repentance and deliverance and healing.'
- John Eldredge, Ransomed Hearts
"So what is the Immanuel Approach?
Let me start with a really, really short summary: first, we apply several simple-but-powerful biblical truths and brain-science principles to help the recipient establish an interactive, two-way, back-and-forth connection with the Lord; and then once this interactive, two-way, back-and-forth connection has been established, we have a variety of options with respect to adventures that God and the recipient can engage in."
(An Introduction to the Immanuel Approach (Third Variation)1 (©Copyright 2021 K.D.Lehman MD,
“Immanuel Prayer is the single most effective method
I’ve ever encountered for healing the lifelong effects of trauma.”
Thomas H. Wassink, M.D.
Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
Staff Psychiatrist, Iowa City Veteran’s Affairs Hospital
Staff Pastor, Sanctuary Community Church of Iowa City
Senior Leadership Team, Blue Ocean Faith Church Network
"Most of us have memories in our past that we are aware we have not fully processed or healed from. In Immanuel Prayer the Lord can access places in our mind and memories with us (Heb. 13:5), even those maybe buried in our subconscious. Often in these memories we discover places where we perhaps have made vows (like; I won't ever let someone hurt me again or I'm going to do this on my own, I don't need anybody) . Or we discover places where we've taken on faulty beliefs about God (like; you didn't protect me, I can't trust you) or faulty beliefs about our selves (like; if they really knew me, they wouldn't like me -so I can't show the real me).
The amazing thing is that the Lord knows when and if we are ready for this deeper work and also where we need healing and renewal of our minds. The facilitator never guides the content, we help with the process of connection and let the Lord lead. This healing work is hard to access from our rational left brain and often lurks below our conscious level of awareness, and so IP can help us open & allow Jesus to do this deeper healing of wounds and distorted beliefs that are interfering with our current life and relationships. These places are mostly areas we can't access from the surface by ourselves and so having a trained facilitator work in conjunction with the Lord can be transformational."
"This type of prayer is beautiful and indispensable in our journey toward maturity, toward holiness, toward wholeness. But the journey requires other things as well—often counseling, certainly discipleship, and, to borrow Eugene Peterson’s phrase, “a long obedience in the same direction.” There is no “zap” that suddenly makes a person as whole and beautiful as Jesus Christ.
Wholeness is something we grow into as we walk with Jesus through the years of our lives. Knowing this actually takes a great deal of pressure off—that pressure to find the instant fix or have the One Defining Moment. It releases us to walk with God and allow him to personalize our healing journey."
-John Eldredge, Moving Mountains
"As a spiritual director, I consider that my primary role is to be attentive to where the Holy Spirit is leading the conversation. In the Immanuel Approach, we look for where Jesus is leading the person we are praying for. It is a completely Jesus-centered approach for healing and spiritual growth, he guides every step. As a psychotherapist, I sometimes can only marvel at Jesus’ methods -- the things people sense him doing and saying are beyond any therapist’s abilities!"
X. Nader Sahyouni, DMin, LPC
Assistant Director of Spiritual Foundations with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Spiritual Director